Our approved partners
the map of the Destination
46 wine cellars
2 Maisons des Vins
10 tourist attractions
8 leisure activities
20 restaurants
6 wine bars
28 accommodations
5 goat farms & local shops
All activities, accommodation, restaurants… partners of the Destination Sancerre Pouilly Giennois!
To properly prepare your stay in the Destination, choose a partner with the Vignobles & Découvertes label!
They guarantee you a quality welcome and an experience during your stay in the vineyards of Sancerre, Pouilly and Giennois. Take advantage of the selection of partner establishments, committed to promoting the wine and tourist heritage of this region.
The Destination is a real land of visits and astonishing discoveries that will please everyone : walk around the streets of towns & villages, explore the castles and museums, sail on a specific Loire boat, fly away over the vineyards, discover the heart of the terroirs and the history of our vineyards thanks to the Maisons des vins, taste the region gastronomy… and above all make wonderful encounters with our winegrowers in the wine cellars & estates.
Without hesitation, they will all welcome you and help you discover all the riches of this region over a meal, a drink, an activity or a night.
There is something for everyone so don’t wait to open their doors!
Trust our Vignobles & Découvertes approved partners to support you throughout your stay and provide you with unique moments, marked by authenticity and conviviality.
Vineyards photo ® Pierre Mérat